A data date, also known by the two letter abbreviation DD, refers specifically to the date in the life of an ongoing project upon and through which the previously defined system of reporting for that given project is to provide the actual status of that project and the accomplishments attained in regards to that project to date. In some previously defined systems of project reporting, the reporting of status information is given in terms of past data, focusing primarily on items accomplished to date with specific delineations of items. This can be though of in terms of items checked off a list. In some previously defined systems of project reporting, the reporting of status information is given in terms of future data, meaning, a list of items that are still remaining, and/or, to be accomplished from this point in time. Date can also be referred to as as-of-date and time-now date.
This term is defined in the 3rd and the 4th edition of the PMBOK.